Webispode Family Fun as Alexia Justine Murray and family transform themselves into a different family every month. Documenting the activities a multi-tasking mom and a burnt-out pop, cooky costumes, home-made sets, a ridiculously busy doorbell, a slow burning soup on the stove, surreptitious sibling rivalry and a lot of barking. This is the story of the making of our family's yearly calendar
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I'm going to start posting this every week (I'm gaga over your site and truly admire your creative venting as a "package family deal". You are what we all want to be... having said that, I want to be the first to tell you that you will absolutely eventually end up on television - coast to coast. I have no doubt what so ever. We need to keep posting you on facebook as well as other sites. Adore your "guts"... never change!
Thank you for your support in helping to spread the word! We really appreciate your enthusiasm and hope you are a clairvoyant. We'd love to see ourselves coast to coast.
Ciao from Roma
Alexia, the Mom
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